
Showing posts from November, 2020

Explicit Coefficient Penalization

 Explicit Coefficient Penalization Of course, the value of the regularization parameter λ needs to be optimized. A function cv.glmnet is available for that, using by default ten-fold crossvalidation. Two common measures are available as predefined choices. Obviously, the model corresponding to the lowest crossvalidation error is one of them; the other is the most sparse model that is within one standard deviation from the global optimum (Hastie et al. 2001), the same criterion also used in the pls package for determining the optimal number of latent variables mentioned in Sect. 8.2.2. > <- cv.glmnet(gasoline$NIR[gas.odd, ], + gasoline$octane[gas.odd]) > svals <-[c("lambda.1se", "lambda.min")]  The plot command for the cv.glmnet object leads to the validation plot in the right panel of Fig. 10.2. The global minimum in the CV curve lies at a value of −4.215, and the one-se criterion at −3.424 (both in log units, as in ...

The title of the latter paper has led to the name of the R-package

 The title of the latter paper has led to the name of the R-package The branch-and-bounds algorithm was first proposed in 1960 in the area of linear programming (Land and Doig 1960), and was introduced in statistics by Furnival and Wilson (1974) cck-8 ic50 . The title of the latter paper has led to the name of the R-package 3xFLAG price . This particular algorithm manages to avoid many regions in the search space that can be shown to be less good than the current solution, and thus is able to tackle larger problems than would have been feasible using an exhaustive search. Application of the regsubsets function leads to the same set of selected variables (now we can provide a factor as the dependent variable): > twowines.leaps <- regsubsets(vintage ˜ ., data = twowines.df) > twowines.leaps.sum <- summary(twowines.leaps) > names(which(twowines.leaps.sum$which[8, ])) [1] "(Intercept)" "malic.acid" "ash" [4] "tot..phenols"...

Tests Based on Overall Error Contributions

 Tests Based on Overall Error Contributions In regression problems for data sets with not too many variables, the standard approach is stepwise variable selection. This can be performed in two directions: either one starts with a model containing all possible variables and iteratively dis cards variables that contribute least. This is called backward selection. The other option, forward selection, is to start with an “empty” model, i.e., prediction with the mean of the independent variable, and to keep on adding variables until the contribution is no longer significant.  As a criterion for inclusion, values like AIC, BIC or Cp can be employed—these take into account both the improvement in the fit as well as a penalty for having more variables in the model. The default for the R functions add1 and drop1 is to use the AIC. Let us consider the regression form of LDA for the wine data, leaving out the Barolo class for the moment: > twowines.df <- data RNA isolat...

Confidence Intervals for Individual Coefficients

 Confidence Intervals for Individual Coefficients Let’s use the wine data as an example, and predict class labels from the thirteen mea sured variables. We can assess the confidence intervals for the model quite easily, formulating the problem in a regression sense. For each of the three classes a regres sion vector is obtained. The coefficients for Grignolino, third class, can be obtained as follows: > X <- wines[wines.odd, ] > C <- classvec2classmat(vintages[wines.odd]) > wines.lm <- lm(C ˜ X) > wines.lm.summ <- summary(wines.lm) > wines.lm.summ[[3]] Call: lm(formula = Grignolino ˜ X) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.4657 -0.1387 0.0022 0.1326 0.4210 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 2.77235 0.63633 4.36 4.1e-05 *** Xalcohol -0.12466 0.04918 -2.53 0.0133 * Xmalic acid -0.06631 0.02628 -2.52 0.0138 * Xash -0.56351 0.12824 -4.39 3.6e-05 *** Xash alkalinity 0.03227 0.00975 3.31 0.0014 ** Xmagnesium 0.00118 0.00...

This leads to the plot in Fig

 This leads to the plot in Fig This leads to the plot in Fig. 9.11. The final error on the test set is less than half of the error at the beginning of the iterations. Clearly, both the training and testing errors have stabilized already after some twenty iterations. The version of boosting employed in this example is also known as Discrete adaboost (Friedman et al. 2000; Hastie et al. 2001), since it returns 0/1 class predic tions. Several other variants have been proposed, returning membership probabilities rather than crisp classifications and employing different loss functions. In many cases they outperform the original algorithm (Friedman et al. 2000). Since boosting is in essence a binary classifier, special measures must be taken to apply it in a multi-class setting, similar to the possibilities mentioned in Sect. A further interesting connection with SVMs can be made (Schapire et al. 1998): although boosting does not explicitly maximize margins, as SVMs ...