This leads to the plot in Fig
This leads to the plot in Fig This leads to the plot in Fig. 9.11. The final error on the test set is less than half of the error at the beginning of the iterations. Clearly, both the training and testing errors have stabilized already after some twenty iterations. The version of boosting employed in this example is also known as Discrete adaboost (Friedman et al. 2000; Hastie et al. 2001), since it returns 0/1 class predic tions. Several other variants have been proposed, returning membership probabilities rather than crisp classifications and employing different loss functions. In many cases they outperform the original algorithm (Friedman et al. 2000). Since boosting is in essence a binary classifier, special measures must be taken to apply it in a multi-class setting, similar to the possibilities mentioned in Sect. A further interesting connection with SVMs can be made (Schapire et al. 1998): although boosting does not explicitly maximize margins, as SVMs do, it does come very close. The differences are, firstly, that SVMs use the L2 norm, the sum of the squared vector elements, whereas boosting uses L1 (the sum of the absolute values) and L∞ (the largest value) norms for the weight and instance vectors, respectively. Secondly, boosting employs greedy search rather than kernels to address the problem of finding discriminating directions in high-dimensional space. The result is that although there are intimate connections, in many cases the models of boosting and SVMs can be quite different. The obvious drawback of focusing more and more on misclassifications is that these may be misclassifications with a reason: outlying observations, or samples with wrong labels, may disturb the modelling to a large extent. Indeed, boosting has been proposed as a way to detect outliers.
Variable selection is an important topic in many types of multivariate modelling: the choice which variables to take into account to a large degree determines the result. This is true for every single technique discussed in this book, be it PCA, cluster ing methods, classification methods, or regression. In the unsupervised approaches, uninformative variables can obscure the “real” picture, and distances between objects can become meaningless. In the supervised cases (both classification and regression) 3x FLAG stability, there is the danger of chance correlations with dependent variables, leading to mod els with low predictive power. This danger is all the more real given the very low sample-to-variable ratios of many current data sets. The aim of variable selection then is to reduce the independent variables to those that contain relevant informa tion, and thereby to improve statistical modelling. This should be seen both in terms of predictive performance (by decreasing the number of chance correlations) and in interpretability—often, models can tell us something about the system under study Methylpiperidino pyrazole, and small sets of coefficients are usually easier to interpret than large sets. In some cases, one is able to decrease the number of variables significantly by utilizing domain knowledge. A classical application is peak-picking in spectral data.
In metabolomics, for instance, where biological fluids are analyzed by, e.g., NMR spectroscopy, one can typically quantify hundreds of metabolites. The number of metabolites is usually orders of magnitude smaller than the number of variables (ppm values) that have been measured; moreover, the metabolite concentrations lend themselves for immediate interpretation, which is not the case for the raw NMR spectra. A similar idea can be found in the field of proteomics, where mass spectrometry is used to find the presence or absence of proteins, based on the presence or absence of certain peptides. Quantification is more problematic here, so typically one obtains a list of proteins that have been found, including the number of fragments that have been used in the identification. When this step is possible it is nearly always good to do so. The only danger is to find what is already known—in many cases, data bases are used in the interpretation of the complex spectra: an unexpected compound, or a compound that is not in the data base but is present in the sample, is likely to be missed. Moreover, incorrect assignments present additional difficulties. Even so, © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020 R. Wehrens, Chemometrics with R, Use R!, the list of metabolites or proteins may be too long for reliable modelling or useful interpretation, and one is interested in further reduction of the data.
Very often, this variable selection is achieved by looking at the coefficients themselves: the large ones are retained, and variables with smaller coefficients are removed. The model is then refitted with the smaller set, and this process may con tinue until the desired number of variables has been reached. Unfortunately, as shown in Sect. 8.1.1, model coefficients can have a huge variance when correlation is high, a situation that is the rule rather than the exception in the natural sciences nowa days. As a result, coefficient size is not always a good indicator of importance. A more sophisticated approach is the one we have seen in Random Forests cck8 inhibitor, where the decrease in model quality upon permutation of the values in one variable is taken as an importance measure. Especially for systems with not too many variables, however, tests for coefficient significance remain popular.
An alternative way of tackling variable selection is to use modelling techniques that explicitly force as many coefficients as possible to be zero: all these are apparently not important for the model and can be removed without changing the fitted values or the predictions. It can be shown that a ridge-regression type of approach with a penalty on the size of the coefficients has this effect, if the penalty is suitably chosen (Hastie et al. 2001)—a whole class of methods has descended from this principle, starting with the lasso (Tibshirani 1996).
One could say that the only reliable way of assessing the modelling power of a smaller set is to try it out—and if the result is disappointing, try out a different subset of variables. Given a suitable error estimate, one can employ optimization algorithms to find the subset that gives maximal modelling power. Two strategies can be followed: one is to fix the size of the subset, often dictated by practical considerations, and find the set that gives the best performance; the other is to impose some penalty on including extra variables and let the optimization algorithm determine the eventual size. In small problems it is possible, using clever algorithms, to find the globally optimal solution; in larger problems it very quickly becomes impossible to assess all possible solutions, and one is forced to accept that the global optimum may be missed.
10.1 Coefficient Significance Testing whether coefficient sizes are significantly different from zero is especially useful in cases where the number of parameters is modest, less than fifty or so. Even if it does not always lead to the optimal subset, it can help to eliminate large numbers of variables that do not contribute to the predictive abilities of the model. Since this is a univariate approach—every variable is tested individually—the usual caveats about correlation apply. Rather than concentrating on the size and variability of individual coefficients, one can compare nested models with and without a particular variable. If the error decreases significantly upon inclusion of that variable, it can be said to be relevant. This is the basis of many stepwise approaches, especially in regression.
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